SOD#70 EDUCATION – Parenting Style 7″

«Parenting Style » – 7″
1st press 300 Black (February 2020)
Screenprinted Cover & inner
Vocals: RADAR
Guitars: JOHNNY P.
Recorded by Andrea Kikazaru in July 2020
Mixed and Mastered by Fabio Banfio
Artwork by Cecilia Caldiera
Screenprinted at Ol’Dirty Hands
(Sorry State) Parenting Style is the new 4-song EP from this Italian post-punk band who had a previous LP on Symphony of Destruction a few years back. I haven’t heard that one, but Parenting Style is cool. Education sounds to me like they’re influenced by dark but still kind of “rock” bands like Bauhaus, early Christian Death, and Killing Joke. However, rather than doing a straight homage, Education approaches this sound like a hardcore band, with high intensity and an aggressive playing style, particularly in the drums. Education reminds me of Diät, but they’re not that far away from something like Ex-Cult either, even though the presentation is very different (which seems like a suitable spot to note that the artwork is super cool). Fans of Raleigh’s sadly departed Crete should also check this out. This band should tour here so all my friends can break out their goth gear.