SOD#54 SCAB EATER – Ultra Vires Lp

« Ultra Vires» – Lp
1st press 320 Black
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Co-release with No Patience (Aus)
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Instrument Recorded by Chris Brownbill at Underground Studio (Dec 2015)
Vocals Recorded by Adam Ritchie at Pissfart Studio (June 2016)
Mixed by Yeap
Mastered by Jack Control at Enormous door
Photos by Will
Formatting and Layout by Xavier Gillard
Insert Sheet text by Zack Malakonas
SCAB EATER: ‘Ultra Vires’: A relentless offering of slam-centric hardcore from one of Australia’smost uncompromising groups. Uncompromising not just in sound and style, but in their breakneck tour schedules, extreme DIY approach, and their absolute dedication to the underground. Completing countless circuits of Australia including locations far off the beaten track, as well as comprehensive European and South East Asian tours…. Battling immigration, far right aggressors, white nationalists, run ins with police and more…… SCAB EATER have blazed a trail through these regions, establishing themselves as one of Australia’s most vital underground groups!
Sonically ‘Ultra Vires’ presents 9 tracks of desperate and ferocious hardcore!!